Thin and small. Mines bigger than yours is. I’m willing to prove it to you. I’ve never been shown how to do it. I want that black curved BIG BLACK cocks taste better I heard a tranny tell me that.
My pink cock is thin and curved way more then hers. Mines shaved completely all over cock shaft, ball sack and ass cheeks and thighs are smooth as a baby bum. Silly smooth rock hard cocks look better they are more enjoyable to kick and suck and deep through. They look bigger and they feel so sexy with silk panties on and a short school girl skits on. Here, I’ll spread my legs and show you.
Que lástima que estés en y yo en España sí pudiera estar contigo en esa cama contigo ahora mismo te comeria entera de arriba abajo me encantaría poder tocarte esas tetas comérselas y viceversa pero no es posible y encima eres de color que eso me encanta besos
Look at that waist - Bonita IS NOT chubby.that's a curvy bod with bodacious boobs and thunder thighs, along with that twig and berries in that thicket.