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1 year ago
This is something you never hear about, with all the gay and pervy priest you never hear about the lesbian nuns. You know it has to have happened, but they myst not go after children so no one cares
1 year ago
Very beautiful and sexy and gorgeous both of them are so cute and sexy and hot
11 months ago
Lubię zakonnice. Kiedyś przy oknie trzepałem kutasa i właśnie jedna młoda przechodziła. Była blisko, patrzyła aż się spuściłem. Drugim razem przyszła z koleżanką,było super. Pokazały mi jak robią palcówkę i dały mi wylizać pizdy. Trwało to jakiś czas.
8 months ago
The priests go after boys, and the pope condones it!-Wicked Chris
8 months ago
And the nuns do get violent with the kids. I asked my nun math teacher about an algebra problem I couldn't figure out, and she got next to my desk, I thought she was going to explain it to me. Instead, she grabbed the hair on the back of my head and slammed my face onto my open math book, and she said, the answers are in the back of the book and walked away. I had a busted lip for my troubles. That's when I realized that they are NOT representing Mary the 'virgin' mother! -Wicked Chris
6 months ago
Eu te amo
6 months ago
Me chama no privado
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