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2 years ago
A stunning beauty!!!, a dream!!! girlfriend.
2 years ago
A tiger through the beauty!!!, a roof full of stained glasses, overcut crystal.
2 years ago
Sweet smile of the morning, your wind carries me on, peaceful breeze!!!.
2 years ago
Ester!!!, Elle, Est, Exotique!!!.
2 years ago
Prologue of love, waves crushing ocean rocks, the harbour is brightened!!!.
2 years ago
Natural Beauty!!!, At Its Best!!!.
2 years ago
Ester!!!, is the undisputed origin of, authentic, natural, and exotic beauty!!!.No need for makeup.
2 years ago
Beautiful!!! facial features, and bone structure, very upscale, moreover, the right curves, at the right places, furthermore, an ideal women's figure!!!.
2 years ago
Baby!!!, let's spend the night together, how am i gonna get your cell number? I love you!!!, ich liebe dich, je t'aime, te quiero, ti amo!!!.
2 years ago
Baby!!!, let's spend the night together, #?????,$!!!!!!!!!,don't worry, i will help you financially.I love you!!!, ich liebe dich, je t'aime, te quiero, ti amo!!!.
2 years ago
Golden Goddess!!!, of the Universe, the Cosmos, and our Milky Way Galaxy, that God, our Creator, Created.
2 years ago
Absolutely, Gorgeous, Gentle, and Glamourous!!!.
2 years ago
Absolutely, Stunning!!!, Spectacular, and Splendid.
2 years ago
Miss Cute, Miss Unique, Miss Gorgeous, Miss Universe!!!.
2 years ago
Absolutely, Fascinating!!!, Fantastic, and Fabulous!!!.
2 years ago
Incredible!!!, Impressive!!!, Innocent!!!, Inducing!!!, Inducting!!!, Irresistibility!!!.
2 years ago
Absolutely, Gorgeous!!!, Elegant, and Classy!!!.
2 years ago
Meravigliosa!!!, Magnifiche!!!, Magnificent!!!, Majestic!!!, Magnetic!!!, Marry, Me, May, Model!!!(!!!???, #???, I don't know how to reach you, let's go out, on a date, a romantic date, in Venice, Italy, just give me one chance, after Venice, we will go to MonteCarlo, and our final destination, will be Puerto Banus, Spain, I would love, to love you, and take care of you, because, I know that, I will fall in love with you, I love you!!!, ich liebe dich, je t'aime, te quiero, ti amo!!!, ia tibia lublu, ia khachu tibia, voglio te, ti voglio sposare, sei troppo bella, bellissima!!!,e, ti amo!!!.).
2 years ago
Baby!!!, i am fighting battles of biblical proportions, to win your love!!!, hand, heart, mind, and beauty!!!, but the Superheroes, Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Ironman, Aquaman, Wonderwoman, Catwoman, Incredible Hulk, Jason Bourne, and 007 James Bond, are beating the hell out of me. Baby!!!, i will keep on fighting them, because I am your Man, and i ain't giving up on you, eventhough i've been knocked out, moreover my nose is bleeding, furthermore, my left feet is hurting me.But, baby, i am, brilliant, brave, beyond, belief, i am using a drone, to track the Superheroes, and i am setting them up, in a trap, all 10 of them, i will confine them,in a jail cell,where they will be docile,and obedient to me. Remember, i am your wild cat, miaw, miaw, miaw, mwah, mwah, mwah, and i love you!!!, ich liebe dich, je t'aime, te quiero, ti amo!!!, Sei troppo bella, bellissima, sei cosi bella, molto bella, e, ti adoro, ti amo!!!.
1 year ago
Baby!!!, you are Soooo beautiful!!!, and super sexy hot!!!, baby!!! you are in high demand, now i am fighting , Jason Statham, and John Wick, he is a sharp shooter, i have a bullet wound on my chest, we were best friends in the commission, but became worst enemies, due to you, my pure, pretty!!!,and perfect, passionate, princess!!!, moreover, Jason Statham is beating the hell out of me, but i ain't giving up on you, I will keep on fighting the superheroes, because, i am your man, and your wild cat,miaw,miaw,miaw,miaw,miaw,e, ti adoro, ti amo!!!.
1 year ago
Raining on my lips, refreshes me, tasting like wine, water is rushing, birds are singing beautiful songs, the trees are listening.Mi piacci!!!, sei troppo bella, bellissima!!!, voglio te, ti voglio sposare, sei cosi bella, molto bella, ti adoro, e, ti amo!!!.
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